YUBER Learning Workshop.

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Date: Saturday, March 13th 2010.
Time: 3.00-5.00pm.
Location: Ace Edventure.

JingYi, CheeLing and I went to the YUBER Learning Workshop today. It was fun. But, the room is too pack. So, I feel like there's a lot of gas inside me. Got that kind of vomit feeling.

The learning workshop starts with a talk by Greg Evans. He's a really funny guy. I enjoyed listening to him talking about FIMAGE which is Fear Of Image and about our brain. We did a few activities. For the first one, we need to find a partner who has a same height as you. CheeLing and I have the exact same height. xD. After that, Greg teaches us a few funny poses. We need to do the exact same pose as our partners without talking. CheeLing and I got everything matched. :). For the second one, we need to find a partner who I do not know and say 'Hi'. My partner was a parent. She's really motherly. :P. For the third one, we need to change partners again. Then, we need to tell them what we want to do. For the last one, I was too lazy to move plus I'm not feeling well already.

JingYi's mum called her and told her she can't stay back with her YUBER camp friends. :(. So, she came back with CheeLing and I.

Well, that's all I guess. Time to watch 'CHUCK'!!! :)

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